Saturday, February 13, 2010

Walt's Favorite Lemon Meringue Pie

I decided tonight to make a little "Valentine Treat" for my special Valentine. Lemon Meringue Pie is my husband's absolute favorite dessert and one that I used to make almost every week in our early years of marriage. (I can remember many times where I had to hide the pies in the top of my closet to keep him from eating them before our meal!)

After not having made one in many years, I surprised him with one tonight. Needless to say....he has already cut into it and I am just trying to salvage enough to have some after Sunday dinner tomorrow!

3 eggs, separated
1 can sweetened condensed milk
1/2 cup lemon juice
1 graham cracker crust (either ready-made or homemade)
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
1/3 cup sugar

Preheat over to 350 degrees.

Separate eggs, placing egg whites in a small bowl and egg yolks in a medium mixing bowl.

Beat egg yolks with mixer. Stir in sweetened condensed milk and lemon juice.

Stir until well combined.

Pour into prepared graham cracker crust.

In clean, small mixing bowl, beat egg whites with cream of tartar until foamy.

Gradually add sugar to egg white mixture.

Beat until stiff peaks form, but not dry.

Pour meringue mixture into center of pie.

Spread meringue on top of pie, sealing carefully to the edge of crust. With knife or spatula, form desired amount of "peaks" all over surface of pie.

Bake at 350 degrees for approximately 15 minutes or until meringue is golden brown.


Chill for 4-6 hours or overnight before serving.

** Warning: It may be necessary to hide this pie if you don't want it eaten in one sitting! (-:


  1. I made my sweetie a lemon ice box pie! He loves lemon and key lime. :) I'm going to try this one - looks yummy!!

  2. Oh Em......this looks delish for sure!!! I plan on making Molten Chocolate Marshmallow Lave mini cakes tomorrow night for my valentine.

    Happy Valentine's Day to you and Walt!!!!

  3. I love key lime pie, too, Jill.

    And Becky, that Molten Chocolate Marshmallow sounds like it would be to die for!

    You girls' sweeties are some LUCKY guys!

  4. I think I remember it being hid in the top of my closet before. Ha! It is sooo yummy though. I know your valentine was thankful for that sweet surprise :)

  5. This looks delicious! I think Im going to have to make it for Scott when he gets home! Thanks for the recipe :)
