Sunday, January 9, 2011

MiMi Got A Makeover!

MiMi's Making Meals got a makeover yesterday from my very-talented daughter, Faith at A Design of Faith Blog Designs I have known since I recently started back blogging that I wanted to update AT LEAST my photographs, since they were several years old, but  after someone that was new to this blog last week said, ..."Now..the pictures at the top of your blog are not YOU, are they?"... I KNEW it was time!

My blog designer, Faith, is just so busy... designing other blogs, working full-time outside the home and working with the youth of our church...I hated to ask her to change it. I was originally hoping that all she would have to do was to update my photos, but since my old blog design was on an old computer of hers that she did not have access to anymore, she had to completely redesign it.

She asked me several times what kind of design, colors, etc. that I wanted and I told her that I totally trusted whatever she picked out for me because she is SO talented in this area --- she has such an eye for design! She said that it needed to be wider anyway and after seeing her new design I TOTALLY agree!   I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!

Thank you so much, Faith, for not only giving MiMi's Making Meals a complete makeover, but also for the recent redesign of MiMi's Making Memories! You've helped to motivate me to jump back into blogging...that I have missed SO much!

Thanks SO much for stopping by and if you have a minute... I would LOVE to know what you think!


  1. LOVE the makeover!! And I love seeing new posts from you - happy you're back!! :)

  2. Love guys are so talented. Faith , this is beautiul and your new photos are perfect

  3. Faith is so talented!! Aren't we blessed with such talented daughters? I LOVE your make-over! Looks absolutely FABULOUS!!

    Great job Faith!! Congratulations MiMi!
    Blessings to you both!

  4. It's just gorgeous! Wow, Faith is so talented in this area. BTW, the photo of you reminds me so much of her. You are both beautiful.

  5. I love it! Faith is definitely talented. I have to use restraint to keep from asking for a new design too often :)

  6. Oh your new blog design is fabulous!!! I love it, but then I love everything that Faith designs! She is super talented, and I love you both, even though I have never met you! (One day I hope!) Will look forward to following your blogs, and jumping back in myself! Thank you Mimi! :-)

  7. What a beautiful blog make over. I hopped over from Lianna.

  8. I love the knew look! Glad your back with new recipes :)
